Meet the Founder

Hi, I’m Marci - the blonde girl who loves ice cream (if you don’t understand this reference, go back to the home page).

I’m a wife and Jesus lover, and I often tell people I am solar powered. I’m also a perfectionist and people pleaser by nature (That’s not a brag - I would put both of those qualities in both the pro and the con section about myself). When I’m not working, you can find me spending time with family, working out at the gym, supporting my husband at his basketball games, laying in the sun, or listening to Taylor Swift.

How Little Ray Marketing came to fruition

I started Little Ray Marketing in June 2022, right after graduating college with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management and Marketing. I’ve always had a passion to lead and started falling in love with marketing in my last couple years of college as I got involved in the area. Some things I loved (and still do) are: using my creative mind, how every brand is so different, and that no day looks the same. My work is never boring or monotonous! I didn’t know social media management could be a career until several months before graduation, but once I figured that out, that’s what I wanted my big girl job to be. So, I established the LLC, and Little Ray Marketing was born.

The meaning behind “Little Ray Marketing”

Naming a business is really fun and also a big deal when you’re 22 years old. I knew 3 different things that I wanted to some how play into the name: “Be the Light” (my life motto), God (my faith is a giant part of my life!), sunshine (I told you, I really thrive in sunshine). Lucky for me, those 3 things coincide extremely well. I have no big story of how I thought of Little Ray - it just came to me, like I knew it would. Little Ray - like little ray of sunshine.

I am obsessed with helping your brand elevate their digital presence. Let’s work together.